On 12/7/05, Dick Goodman <wlug@goodman1.net> wrote:
root (hd0,0) setup (hd0) quit
The messages after setup did not look like error messages. The behavior is
I need to see those messages.
How do I resolve this? What additional information do you need?
The messages above and the output of the grub "geometry (hd0)" command, assuming everything is on the first HDD in the system. Also let us know the intended mount point for each of those partitions. Andy is correct in that the best way to figure this out is to work with the grub command line and walk through the steps it would take trying to boot your system. And Eric is correct in that the grub config file would also be handy. Since the disks are partitioned the same my guess is that the problem lies in the grub stage image installation. I believe some filesystems can get away without a stage1_5 (ext2 being one example, likely used on your RH box) and since you didn't supply an explicit image device to the setup command it's possible that the install wasn't able to find them on the root (hd0,0) that you specified.
Is there a better way to clone Linux drive -> Linux drive?
Yes, boot from a Linux CD (like the knoppix that you mentioned) and `dd if=/dev/<good> of=/dev/<blank>` <good> might be hda for example. Obviously blank needs to be as big or bigger than good or you risk an incomplete copy and therefore chopped filesystems. BR