Hello, The WPI ACM group is hosting a InstallFest event, in which students interested in learning linux come around to try a distribution, and we are looking for speakers/more experience people to join. If you are interested in joining, send me a message. The event is on Nov 29th, 2011 in WPI at Kaven Hall, room 202, (I will send another reminder with directions when the day before, and put some signs around). What: Linux InstallFest Where: WPI, Kaven Hall, Room 202 When: Nov 29, 2011 Also, I will be unable to attend the meeting on Thursday since I will be presenting at Spark Party. (And turning on the big tesla coils, but no playing music with it yet.) WLUG is welcome to join once the meeting is over. Spark Party is from 6pm to 10pm on AK116. Thanks, Henrique "nican" Polido.