Had a look at the multisync page on sourceforge. Seems like it is designed for the Gnome Environment - it says: "MultiSync is a free modular program to synchronize calendars, addressbooks and other PIM data between programs on your computer and other computers, mobile devices, PDAs or cell phones. MultiSync works on any Gnome platform, such as Linux." I prefer to use KDE - will need to do some research to see if it works with KDE. Raja Mukherjee ____________________________________________________________________ On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 19:15:12 -0500, Jared Greenwald <greenwaldjared@gmail.com> wrote:
Not that I've tried it or anything, but you might want to look into multisync. I've been trying to use it to sync Oracle calendar with sunbird (with minimal success, but it seems an apt application for this situation)...