On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 05:04:44PM -0400, Ben Dow wrote:
Well, I might be a little out of touch with my old-fashioned Slackware ways, but I don't think there's supposed to be a /dev/eth0. DHCP must not be working if it's not showing up in ifconfig, but try ifconfig eth0 to see if the interface exists. You can always try running dhcpcd manually, too.
Right. eth0 is a network interface, not a device, so there is no /dev/ entry. If you're just trying to test the interface, you can also just assign it an IP by hand by doing "ifconfig eth0 192.168.blah.blah". You might also need some -netmask goodness, but I'm not sure. "man ifconfig" has the goods. Then once that works, I'd start getting into DHCP. I'm a little paranoid with DHCP... at work I use dhcpcd because pump doesn't work. At home (with road-runner), I use pump because dhcpcd doesn't work. Am I on crack? -Chuck