although I love money, I bet we can solve this via email.  You can email me the money if you want.

You have 1 CentOS server on it with data you want to share to your Windows machines?

If you create the share in /etc/samba/smb.conf, create a few users on CentOS and run some samba-add(?) commands you should be all set.

if you are talking about having the Windows users log into Windows machines with LDAP accounts that live on the CentOS box, that's a different story.

From: Pete Wason <>
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:54:33 AM
Subject: [Wlug] Samba config help

I wil PAY someone to come to my house and help me configure Samba on my CentOS server.

I have three Windows machines set up with an admin user and a non-admin user. I don't really care right now if the non-admin user can access my server, I just want seamless access as admin so I can transfer stuff for my websites without using floppies or CDs. I have lots of money. No, wait, I *don't* have lots of money :) but maybe we can work something out.

If I can make my server an ldap server and set up domain stuff, cool. If not, whatever works.

I also have a Pegasos running MorpOS (which has its own copy of Samba), and a couple of Amiga 3000s which could either be setup with smbfs (which I had working at one point), or they could just FTP to the linux box (assuming I can get SMB access there from the Windoze side). Lot of fun to be had by all!

Open to suggestions,

Pete Wason
   Hy Noom Publications   508.865.5414