From: Richard Goodman <r.goodman@11harvard.com>
I read the link, and went home and swapped out a bad SIMM. Everything seems to be up and running. The only anomoly is that after a shutdown completes, I seem to get a similar memory segment error (although not Signal 11). However its been so long since I've done a shutdown that I don't remember if this is new - I can live with it.
I have a RedHat 7.0 machine that always spits out an error message just after printing "Power down" and before turning its power off. It goes by quickly and I have never really tried to fix it because at my school there was no class on how to debug software running on a machine with no power and I have never learned the skill. It seems to be the last words of a process that is not properly killed by shutdown but dies when it finds the Operating System missing. It may be related to the RAID disk. It seems harmless. -- Keith