Using smbpasswd is the way to go but if you want your linux box to act more like a windows box you can do the following. keep the security = share param. Add a guest account param in the global section of your smb.conf and make sure the guest user has atleast read permission on the dir you intend to share. guest account = some_username under the share definition add the guest ok param guest ok = yes with those params you should be able to connect to the box w/o a password like Windows. Further insecurity. If the guest account has read write access to the dir you want to share and you add the following to the smb.conf under the share def users can read and write. writeable = yes Matt Quoting Chuck Noyes <cc.noyes@verizon.net>:
Hi all...
I created a directory, on my RH 9.0 (2.4.20) Linux server, that I would like to share with other computers on our LAN. I have smb and nmb running and I can see the share from a MS windows 2000 box. When I try to map the drive and click on the remote folder name (\\linux-hostname\share-name), it asks me to log on to the Linux server (I'm using security = share in /etc/samba/smb.conf). When I enter my username/password pair, it tells me that they're invalid. I have identical usernames & passwords on both boxes and I'm not encrypting the usernames and passwords...yet. I'm using version samba-2.2.7a-8.9.0 for samba-common, samba-client and samba itself.
What am I missing?
Thanks, Chuck
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