Hey Gang,

First the important details!
Location: Rm 331 (Hagglund Room) @ 7PM
Topic: read below...

Tonight we've got a meeting!  After the last meeting a couple of people were asking me questions about KVM (Kernel based Virtual Machine).

New member Al Reinhart asked me a  question about the best ways to run windows apps on linux, either via wine or through KVM / Oracle Virtual Box.  He also mentioned Linux.Encoder (the first linux ransomware) which I didn't even know exists.

Long time member Doug Mildram also wrote me about Linux Mint.  A distribution I know quite well! They'll be some conversation and we'll kick off an install and talk about it's merits as a greate distribution.

As usual, there'll be refreshments and snacks and afterwards we'll head to Tech for pizza!


I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".