It also may have permissions set to require it to be run by the "postgres" user. Jeff Moyer wrote:
==> Regarding [Wlug] Debian/Postgresql question; "Webmaster@atari-users.net" <webmaster@atari-users.net> adds:
Webmaster> Hello, I'm working on installing Gforge(.org) on a server Webmaster> running Debian. I'm using "apt-get install gforge" using the Webmaster> packages on gforge.free.fr.
Webmaster> I cannot get Postgresql to start. I tested it on my local Webmaster> machine and never ran into this problem. Any ideas would be Webmaster> great. (ok.. maybe I should try the Worcester Coop course! <G>)
Webmaster> I get this message when I try to start it as root "bash: Webmaster> /etc/init.d/postgresql: Permission denied"
Is that file executable?
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