On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 08:02:45AM -0500, Jeff Kinz wrote:
Friends, any idea where can I download the isos for RHEL AS 4, ES 4 ? You probably can't, since those are RedHat's "for money only" releases. Yes, they are still open source, You can download the source, but no ISOs are available.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. My understanding is that the ISOs are only available via RHN's Easy ISO area. I don't recall if you can get a RHN account without purchasing some version of RHEL, but I'd guess not.
Another option is White Box Linux, a distro based on the RedHat source code.
There's also CentOS. I believe both of them essentially take the source rpms, change any appropriate bits, and redistribute. -- Randomly Generated Tagline: Futurama is brought to you by Thompson's Teeth, the only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.