I haven't been to a WLUG meeting in ages. Is it still in the same building in the southwest corner of the quad? The floorplan link is dead, http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/CC/Floorplans/37678.htm Is there parking available in the West Street lot? Will there be WiFi and/or ethernet available for the Pis? Keyboard? HDMI monitor? -Jamie On Thu, 12 Mar 2015, Tim Keller wrote:
Hey Everybody,
This is a reminder that tonight is WLUG!
We'll be talking about the Raspberry Pi like devices that are now on the market and the amazing stuff we can do with them. Chuck is going to bring along a Pi like device to show off how open hardware helps speed along the innovation curve!
We'll be meeting in the usual spot, the Mid-Century Room (rm-331) at 7pm.
I'll bring along snacks and drinks and afterwards we'll go out for pizza!
See ya there!
Later, Tim.
-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".