Dave Coutu said:
Hey Guys,
Really simple question here... A while back I had asked whether sendmail could filter out mail based on a subject header , and found out that it could. Now I have a situation here at work where we want to filter out attachments, the obvious being .vbs, .exe, basically anything that may contain a virus. We don't run anti-virus software on the mail server that mail is being delivered to, nor on the sendmail relays feeding into it, since they are Solaris boxes and we currently don't have a unix version of Norton lying about. But I believe that we can filter out attachments through a sendmail ruleset, and I am wondering if this is the case. If so, can someone tell me how/where to do it please? Would be very appreciative for any help here! Thanks in advance!
Not sure if this helps, but a friend of mine was working on this email scanning stuff: http://pldaniels.com/ Check out Inflex and Ebola. XaMime is a commercial version of Inflex, I believe. It's also in rather early development, afaik. Any questions, he's usually on #linuxhelp on irc.slashnet.org as "inflex". -- Orion orion [at] tribble [dot] dyndns [dot] org Spund is cool. Great sounding word. Kind o' thing Meg'd say. -freakstone