Tim Keller <turbofx@gmail.com> writes:
Sick of your limited file systems? Worried it won't scale when pentabyte disks hit the market?
There have been five byte storage devices since 1945. Expensive, but available. They were called mercury delay lines. On the other hand a petabyte (+1e+15 bytes) would be a lot.
I'll be doing a talk/demo of the ZFS (Zettabyte File System) naively running on Linux.
This time I really am puzzled. Do you mean "natively"? That would be a cliche. What you said passes spell check would be good for us simple French folk.
This is going to be held in the campus center Rm. 129 a.k.a "Chairman's Room" at 7pm.
The web page still says TBD. No matter, I intend to be there, but if I were lost with only an Apple Eye BrowServer for guidance...
Refreshments will be provided.
Good. I am less cranky when my mouth is full. See you in the future, if you're going that way. -- Keith