On 00:47 Sun 20 Jun , sageman@WPI.EDU wrote:
Hi. Well, I figure since Lisp is such an important language, especially in GNU/Linux systems (favorite of Stallman afterall) I should pose this question to this group. Basically I'm interested in learning Lisp and was wondering if anyone has some favorite or recommended books that describe the syntax of Lisp. Additionally books related to introductory artificial intelligence work, with algorithms, design issues, et cetera, especially books with example Lisp code would be very welcome. Thanks.
I have a love and hate relationship with Lisp. It's just that I'm *forced* to use Lisp/CLIPS/Jess for certain reasons ;) I'd recommend starting with the elm-art Lisp tutor which is great for learning the basic syntax and flows of Lisp. http://apsymac33.uni-trier.de:8080/art/login-e.html After you master that, everything becomes easier ;) Cheers, -- Chris Aniszczyk Gentoo Developer - http://www.gentoo.org - http://cia.navi.cx/stats/author/zx http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x274A275F