On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 01:30:24PM -0400, gma2004@verizon.net wrote:
Update - tracert works on the XP box, so the problem appears to be specific for linux with the dsl modem only (works on non-verizon dialup account).
Windows tracert always uses ICMP packets. I guess you'll need to upgrade to a better traceroute :(
-p port Specifies the UDP destination port base traceroute will use. When sending its UDP probe packets, it will send them to port + hop - 1 for each hop. If there are ports in this range in use on the destination host, traceroute will not be able to identify reliably when it has reached the destination host (probes will appear to time out). The default port is 33434; you can use -p to change this to a different value.
You might be able to play with different port number options to see if those get through...