From: "Adam Keck" <ghostis@gmail.com>
Thanks very much for your thoughtful response ;).
Are you sure that's the correct emoticon? Sometimes people say ";)" when they mean ":-/" or "(;=)".
Regarding the sudo command,
You said sudo, I didn't.
she uses this laptop for her academics and, thus, expects it to "just work."
I don't know what you mean by "just work". You say you have already downloaded drivers, compiled and installed, and modified /etc/modules.conf. What is the objection to adding to a boot-time shell script? I am not saying she should do it. You do it and don't tell.
On Jan 3, 2008 8:13 PM, Keith Wright <kwright@keithdiane.us> wrote:
From: "Adam Keck" <ghostis@gmail.com>
I can only bring the interface up via running "sudo ifup ra0". My wife's probably not going to go for that ;).
but why would your wife object to
you, Adam Keck
putting "ifup ra0" in one of those shell files that get run by root when you boot?
Like maybe you put it in /etc/rc.d/rc.local. -- Keith