I just wanted to give a quick thanks to the folks that helped me diagnose my hardware issues a week or two ago. I took the advice of a few people, picked up an ATX power supply tester at New Egg ($12 shipped) and found out that my power supply was toast. I looked into RMAing it (and the case) back to New Egg but found a better (450W vs 400W) supply for a little less than what it would cost to send the old one back to New Egg via FedEx. After getting it installed and fired up, everything seems to be working fine. Again, I just wanted to say thanks to all that helped/offered advice. You guys rock! --Track --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.744 / Virus Database: 496 - Release Date: 8/24/2004