off even!
I can't speak to mythtv since it's been a very long time since I played with it, but I recently had to switch from the DirecTivo the Directv DVR and I have to say, I'm rather NOT impressed.
It's very laggy (press a button, wait 1/2 a second to respond)
Skippy... you see it on things like cartoons... it'll skip ahead 1/2 a second... very loud blips...
I know this is just me whinny, but in the dark, I find that the remote just sucks. It's bulky and there's approximately 10 more buttons then you really want. Plus the buttons are laid out in such a way that you can't just grab the remote the remote and know how your hand is placed on it...
Oh yeah... get of my lawn!--On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:51 AM, brad <> wrote:
On Thursday, September 15, 2011 11:07:15 AM joel d wrote:Why would you need 2 machines?
> Hi,
> I am re-working our TV to HDTV currently and trying to decide on a DVR.
> Currently I use Charter's DVR and not impressed with their DVR
> layout/features.
> Currently I am looking at either the DirectTV whole house DVR option
> or building a Myth DVR box(s).
> Not sure I want to bite off the Myth though due to needing 2 machines,
> tuner card, and chunks of my time (vs turnkey for an "appliance").
I have an HVR-1600 and HVR-2250.
> I have read the docs at MythTV website but am asking current Myth users:
> 1) Others are running for Myth hardware (front and back end specs)
This is very dependent on how you plan to use it, and if others plan to use
> 2) Any estimates on install startup hours and monthly maintenance hours.
it. I don't watch a lot of TV but i do have it record a few programs.
Install Hours: Significant time commitment is usually needed. I know that
configuring the remote was most difficult for me. This information is coming from
almost two years ago, when i last installed.
Month maintenance Hours: less than an hour, typically.
I use ubuntu with mythtv packages. I'm also running 10.04 since upgrading can
> 3) Any tips for a quick & smooth Myth install in late 2011
be a major headache; so i try to stick with the Long Term releases.
Getting HD on mythtv can be a little difficult sometimes, depending on your
> My current plans include a video source of HD via satellite from Dish
> or DirectTV and am leaning towards a Samsung 55" LCD/LED set.
cable provider. Don't expect to be able to simple connect the coax to your
MythTv tuner and get all the channels since many of them (typically all of
them except broadcast channels) are scrambled and you need to run though the
cablebox to unscramble. I currently have the cable box output connected to my
MythTv box and a firewire cable connected from my MythTv box to the cablebox to
change channels. It works fine, but i can't watch and record something at the
same time on non-broadcast channels.
Things are getting easier to setup. It especially helps if you have an HDTV
> I got the impression around three years ago that Myth was a "techie
> time intensive" thing to setup and run.
> I could be all wet on that impression or it may have changed.
with a VGA 15pin or DVI input. As i said above the remote control is often
times a headache.
All this being said. Since i have the know-how, i much prefer my mythtv over
any cable company's DVR.
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