I've got some updates and ideas for the upcoming meetings! I've reached out to Daniel Moghimi about doing a talk regarding his work on the various security issues he's found in modern CPUs. He's agreed to speak either March or April. I'll work to finalize the details with him. I'm definitely interested in doing a Keysigning party, we'll just have to work out the logistics and what additional presentations that we'd like to go along with it. I know a while a go Eric Martin showed off a cool keyfob that had his key stored in it. I recently stumbled across a cool technology called "Node Red" which people are using to do automation stuff with IoT and MTQQ. https://www.nodered.org It allows you to create flows using their graphing engine. Another piece of software that people might find interesting is subsonic <http://www.subsonic.org/>. It lets you run your own music streaming service. This way you're not subjected to whatever algorithm spotify / pandora / etc wants to subject you to! I recently helped a buddy build a home nas to run it and it's pretty damn slick. Let me know if you have any more ideas for meeting topics! Later, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".