"Ken" == Ken Jones <kjones@ziplink.net> writes:
Ken> Folks, Ken> I have always wondered at my ability to keep the myriad of LINUX instructions in my head. What would I do if I were to start losing them? Is there a tool to search for recall? Ken> Is there any way to go backwards in LINUX command land? If I Ken> were to remember that there is a command that will print on Ken> standard output the contents of a file in txt characters, but Ken> could not for the life of me remember 'more'. Where would I go Ken> for help (other than sending a email to this list serve)? All Ken> the command dictionaries I have are alphabetic. man -k something where something is vaguely related to your needs. In this case, I just did 'man -k text' and the last things that popped up were 'zmore'. Plus a bunch of other system calls and library calls about text handling. Maybe pickup one of the linux for beginners books that O'Reilly puts out? Unix in a Nutshell, etc. That should help you find commands. Also, *any* text editor will let you read a text file, even if you don't want to edit it. John