Jan. 8, 2002
4:42 a.m.
I will bring my Athlon: Currently: Debian Unstable OpenBSD Win2K Win2k will be go away next Mon. in favor of FreeBSD or NetBSD. It was only there for Medal of Honor anyway ;) . Debian Unstable will be replaced with Stable to provide for the opportunity to demo apt-get upgrade/install. I assume we will have fast net for such fun in the big room? -Adam p.s. Shall I bring the whole kit or will there be onsite pieces (power cords, net cords, monitors, switch/hub, etc.)? "lingua machinationis creo, ergo sum" _____________________________________________ Adam Keck The Mathworks 508-647-7298 Natick, Ma www.mathworks.com FreeNIX/Backup/Unix Administrator _____________________________________________