Brad Noyes said:
Yes, i think that you're right. I'm not sure what the term setting should be, or even what it's used for. i'll look on the net for some info about it.
unfortunatly i have to ues telnet becuase i can't assume that all machines that all machines i will use will have ssh.
There's a way around this, by putting a java applet on the webserver of the box you want ssh access to. Downside: it's GPL, and if you provide the applet, you have to provide the source. Also, could be considered as "exporting cryptography software" if the server is in the US. http://www.mindbright.com/products/mindterm/ v1.2.1 is GPL. other versions aren't free. This is what I use, but I don't stick it in a public place and I don't tell people about it... Hmmm. I'm gonna have to kill -9 $(pidof you) now. -- Orion orion [at] tribble [dot] dyndns [dot] org "Boys in bed, girls in bed All now go to sleep Sleep, sweet dreams Wake to a new today tomorrow"