Hey Everybody, I just wanted to give a shout out to everybody who showed up to the virtual meeting last night. It was cool to see Maddog show up, I'm glad he's staying safe and healthy. Yeah, there were a couple of audio/video hiccups, but I thought overall it went great. I shared my screen a couple of times and that worked just fine as well. One cool thing that was brought up doing the meeting and I thought was worth talking about is "vscodium" which is a 100% open source recompile of the visual studio code editor. The big difference is that the vscode as shipped from microsoft contains telemetry tracking data that gets sent back to the mothership... https://vscodium.com/ solves that problem. We obviously jibber jabbed about COVID19 and folding@home and Logan showed off the facemasks he's been printing as well as the antennae he's building to contact a long lost satellite in geostationary orbit. While it wasn't the same as a physical meeting, when we do manage to get ourselves all back in the same room, I think it's something we'll definitely incorporate into the physical meetings. Stay safe, stay healthy and wash your hands! We'll see what May brings us and decide from there... Tim. WLUG President -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".