June 16, 2005
2:27 p.m.
I have some USB serial port devices that show up in /dev/tts/USB0 and /dev/tts/USB1 for example.. I have 4 gentoo boxes, and on one of them when I remove the device file does not disappear, on the other boxes the file disappear. What could be causing this? Adding a device is no problem, only the removal does not remove the device file /dev/tts/USB1 for example dmesg shows the device addition and removal just fine. I copied /etc/udev/* from a working machine where removal happens fine the one with problems with device removal and there was no change. They are all running the same kernel, hotplugg, baselayout.. This is an issue for me as i have a program of my own that looks for /dev/tts/USB* Any ideas out there? Thanks.