Re: Spreading GNU/Linux to the masses Hi James, If you are concerned about your knowledge in Linux, I have just the resource for you so that you can get up to speed. I've been working on my website for years and try to cover all the bases on Open Source. You can get started with my section for newbies. When you feel a little more ambitious, hang out in my Help for Do-It-Yourselfers - I just finished a major expansion on Linux system administration you can also find there. Al Butler Custom Desktop Solutions http://customlinux.tripod.com/ Custom Desktop Solutions Custom Desktop Solutions home page View on customlinux.tripod.com Preview by Yahoo On Monday, August 4, 2014 12:00 PM, "wlug-request@mail.wlug.org" <wlug-request@mail.wlug.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Spreading GNU/Linux to the masses (Frank Sweetser) 2. Re: Spreading GNU/Linux to the masses (James Gray)
Hi James,
have no fear - the WLUG meetings are intentionally inclusive of users of all levels, all the way out to people who have only heard of linux and are curious to know more. While the meeting topics occasionally delve into deeper technical topics, they're always done with the less experienced users in mind, plus everyone is always welcome to throw out requests for meeting topics.
Don't worry about keeping up - all are welcome!
Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu | For every problem, there is a solution that Manager of Network Operations | is simple, elegant, and wrong. Worcester Polytechnic Institute | - HL Mencken
On 8/2/2014 4:13 PM, James Barclay wrote:
I haven't been to one of the meetings at WPI as of yet even though I only live near Elm Park (Looks really nice now, eh?) and here is why:
I'm afraid I'll be attending an engineering and science meeting where things like servers will be discussed. And algorithms will be presented and displayed for discussion; I'm just not that good. I'm just not at the Knuth level at all and nowhere near someone like Stallman or Raymond. Who is?
I'm what they call an "amateur Linux user and experimenter" and not an engineer of scientist. I can program in various popular languages and use emacs as editor. I can tailor my distro to do what I need and want, but I'm not one to gin up my own Linux. I've even messed with BeOS. I want to spread the word and maybe even host a Linux class and host an installation party- at the WPL(?). I wonder if someone can sponsor St. IGNUcious (Stallman) seminar.
I'd sure like Bruce Perens to do one, but I'm for FS. Running Netrunner 14 (Kubuntu base) and just love it. Its a GNU/Linux. I want GNU/Linux to be THE home user's OS.
I have been studying security and vulnerabilities so I don't have Facebook, Twitter or use too many browsers that spy and track. My new email is from Google (Ok OK, I know), but at least Google's server is a Linux. I also use Midori.
I don't use anything Microsoft unless its on the WINE lists. I know nothing about Apple and can't afford it.
I built my own 32bit rig and have built three others and altered more. I dig hardware and junk piles.
I'm also disabled, so I live only on Soc. Sec. retirement. I do have a good car.
Please advise me if I am appropriate for our WLUG.
Thanks for the read.
Jim Barclay
I think you'll fit right in. I'll try not to spout out any algorithms, but no promises, OK :) Seriously, I don't think we're a very intimidating group. Just come prepared to not know everything and be willing to ask questions.
On Aug 4, 2014 12:36 AM, "Frank Sweetser" <fs@wpi.edu> wrote:
Hi James,
have no fear - the WLUG meetings are intentionally inclusive of users of all levels, all the way out to people who have only heard of linux and are curious to know more. While the meeting topics occasionally delve into deeper technical topics, they're always done with the less experienced users in mind, plus everyone is always welcome to throw out requests for meeting topics.
Don't worry about keeping up - all are welcome!
Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu | For every problem, there is a solution that Manager of Network Operations | is simple, elegant, and wrong. Worcester Polytechnic Institute | - HL Mencken
On 8/2/2014 4:13 PM, James Barclay wrote:
I haven't been to one of the meetings at WPI as of yet even though I only live near Elm Park (Looks really nice now, eh?) and here is why:
I'm afraid I'll be attending an engineering and science meeting where things like servers will be discussed. And algorithms will be presented and displayed for discussion; I'm just not that good. I'm just not at the Knuth level at all and nowhere near someone like Stallman or Raymond. Who is?
I'm what they call an "amateur Linux user and experimenter" and not an engineer of scientist. I can program in various popular languages and use emacs as editor. I can tailor my distro to do what I need and want, but I'm not one to gin up my own Linux. I've even messed with BeOS. I want to spread the word and maybe even host a Linux class and host an installation party- at the WPL(?). I wonder if someone can sponsor St. IGNUcious (Stallman) seminar.
I'd sure like Bruce Perens to do one, but I'm for FS. Running Netrunner 14 (Kubuntu base) and just love it. Its a GNU/Linux. I want GNU/Linux to be THE home user's OS.
I have been studying security and vulnerabilities so I don't have Facebook, Twitter or use too many browsers that spy and track. My new email is from Google (Ok OK, I know), but at least Google's server is a Linux. I also use Midori.
I don't use anything Microsoft unless its on the WINE lists. I know nothing about Apple and can't afford it.
I built my own 32bit rig and have built three others and altered more. I dig hardware and junk piles.
I'm also disabled, so I live only on Soc. Sec. retirement. I do have a good car.
Please advise me if I am appropriate for our WLUG.
Thanks for the read.
Jim Barclay
Wlug mailing list Wlug@mail.wlug.org http://mail.wlug.org/mailman/listinfo/wlug
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