Hi Folks, A buddy of mine and I have been kicking around the idea of starting a local organization for building small robots the would be used in competitions. As a place holder name, we have chosen Autonomous Small Robot Association/Society/League. Attached is a link to a PDF file that provides a bare bones outline of the proposal. Basically, we would be following the rules espoused by the PiWars.org web site and to that end, I am building a little robot that will use image/vision processing to navigate the challenges (RPi, opencv, tensorflow) If anyone of this list is interested, please contact me at dglaser@glaserresearch.net or Ron Mourant at mourant@gmail.com Regards David Glaser Link to file https://www.dropbox.com/s/w6mq1ywqlxy81qg/Proposal-2017-09-22.pdf?dl=0