Andy> As part of the Lancaster MA project, there is a 486 machine with Andy> 8 MB of memory which we would like to make into a firewall. I'm Andy> seeking recommendations on how best to do this. Are we memory Andy> limited, or can this work, and if so, how? LRP is the way to go, it's a firewall on a floppy disk. I'm running it at home and it's really nice. What speed internet link are you talking about here? I might be able to scrounge more memory and a P90-130 for you instead. Maybe. Andy> Can we put at least a minimal installation of something on this Andy> machine, or are we going to have to explore the single floppy Andy> firewall solutions such as the Linux Router project? It's not hard to do an LRP setup, and it's much more secure. You have a problem, you reboot. The media is physically write protected. Andy> Finally, is there somebody who would like to volunteer for Andy> Saturday 9/29 to explicitly help with solving this problem? Ummm... I might be able to help with this. John