Jan. 22, 2009
10:16 p.m.
I know I haven't been ot a meeting in a *long* time, but I do hope to make one this spring if I can. Right now I'm playing with Arduino controller boards on my Ubuntu desktop. Fun blinky LEDs, etc. http://arduino.cc http://www.ladyada.com (where I got my parts) http://www.sparkfun.com http://www.evilmadscientist.com (lots of neat stuff) And loads of others in google. It's pretty neat to play with, and it's interesting moving from the IDE (which has a sucky editor) to a more pure Emacs/Makefile driven setup. I figure maybe I could come and demo this at some point. Any interest? Loosely Linux related, since I'll be using an Ubuntu LiveCD and thumb drive to setup and demo the environment. John