Hey Gang, We had an amazing meeting last night, I'd like to thank Kevin from Technocopia for providing us the space, we will be back!! We had a number of random interlopers just show up and the discussion quickly pivoted from keyboards to linux drivers and the unix philosophy. The conversation then shifted to analog control devices and a guy named Rick gave us all a great education on analog process and control technologies. Then to cap things off, a maker named Matt showed up with an iMac and asked if we could help him get Linux Mint installed, in classic WLUG fashion we jumped at the opportunity and in no time flat we got him sorted out. It turns out that machine is slightly too old to run DeVinci Resolve, but I believe it'll be a great machine for him to get some basic linux knowledge. I believe we've found a new space to hold meetings, it's going to get interesting and weird! Later, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".