I have a question for Andy and then one for Karl. Andy:
b) picked a new radio frequency that does *not* have interference issues with my 2.4GHz wireless telephone...(I haven't tried the microwave oven yet...).
What freq did you find that the 2.4GHz wireless telephone did not interfere with? What channel did you finally end up using? ---------------------------------------------- Karl had posted an answer about the Linksys (under the subject line "Re: [Wlug] Wlug Digest, Vol 74, Issue 13") One comment in there I found very interesting:
Now this is going to blow your mind, but if there is ANY difference in the Workgroup name between the router and the computers, it causes the router to "restrict" bandwidth.
Does this only apply to various forms of filesharing, or to all wireless traffic through the WRT54GL? I (and my housemates) are not doing big downloads, and not using Samba. Maybe one of the Windows PCs here might occasionally d/l a movie. But in experimenting with wireless here, using one or other of my Debian PCs, Tomato on the Linksys, I also thought the wireless worked rather slow, even though we have a +20MBps connection. Mostly what I was doing was browsing. Do all computers using wireless here have to belong to the same Workgroup, no matter what kind of internet traffic they're doing? If I do need a Workgroup name for the router, how do I do that? Thanks, Liz J