From: "Peter Nikolla" <petern@hvnnet.com>
I am tiring to right
It only took me thirty seconds to figure that you are trying to write.
a locking mechanism for my program. I wanted to find something unique on a Linux/Unix system that I could read to lock my code to that machine. Does anyone know of a call I can make to get an unique ID like a disk ID, or system ID?
Depends on why you want it. If you just need a unique ID, the ``hostname'' command will give you the name of your machine, ``uname -a'' will give you that and more. If you are trying to prevent anybody from copying: (a) that's not the Linux way and I'm not sure I would want to help you if I could. (b) it's impossible anyway, since anybody can patch the kernel to find out what your program is looking for and give it a fake one. -- -- Keith Wright <kwright@free-comp-shop.com> Programmer in Chief, Free Computer Shop <http://www.free-comp-shop.com> --- Food, Shelter, Source code. ---