On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 09:59:40PM +0000, sgaede@attbi.com wrote:
I have an account on AT&T Broadband, and for some reason, my outbound email seems to be broken. I can send email from KDEMail to myself and I get the mail back promptly, but any email sent to a mailing list seems to go into a black hole.
Is your SMTP server an AT&T one, or are you trying to use SMTP service from another site? Most sane sysadmins will not allow their SMTP server to relay mail off-site (because spammers abuse this lack of security), but will accept mail for local users. For this reason, you have to use your ISP's SMTP server. (Or an open relay, I suppose.) I use this configuration when I access work email from my RoadRunner connection. I am able to get mail from my work POP/IMAP server, but to send, I have to use my local RoadRunner SMTP server. (Which is often broken, BTW!)
Can anyone suggest anything I can do to make sure the mail makes it to the other end? Is getting a confirmation receipt the only choice?
Well, this rarely works, so it's always a bad choice, I think. ;) The best way is to make sure your SMTP is properly configured, and that delivery errors can be locally delivered back to you. (If that made no sense, hopefully someone else can explain it better? ;) ) -Chuck