Right, you have to create your key and submit it to the organizers BEFORE the actual keysigning meeting, so that at the keysigning other people will have a copy of your public key fingerprint to compare with the copy of your key that they later download or get emailed to them. So we should have a PGP meeting first, then a keysigning party the next month or whatever. Here's my ancient slides on the topic, but if someone else wants to update this, feel free: http://www.wlug.org/files/pgp-slides/ Using "caff" is a good idea: https://wiki.debian.org/caff https://wiki.debian.org/Keysigning https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KeySigningParty On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 11:08:03AM -0500, Tim Keller via WLUG wrote:
That would be a fantastic idea. I think part and parcel with doing the Keysigning should be a presentation on how to *actually* use the PGP key you've now created... How do you integrate your key into gmail / etc.
On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 8:29 AM Gelman, Ian S. via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I keep noticing several encrypted emails flying back and forth on the WLUG listserv. It occurred to me that we haven't done a PGP keysigning party in a couple of years - maybe we're due for another? It could also be a way to introduce some new student members to the group.