Hi, I apologize for my slightly off topic question. But I need help on this subject. I want to have high speed internet access that I can use with linux without any problems. I mean I don't want to use PPPoE, if possible. I live in Shrewsbury. Unfortunately verizon can not afford 'dsl'izing our telephone line. (strange that my next door qualifies for DSL while we can not) I am thinking of switching my local phone line provider, perhaps another company may provide DSL on my telephone line? Am I correct? Or if verizon cannot do it, none of them can do it? Speaking about the cable choice, 'townisp' of Shrewsbury charges $50 for a month of access with a speed limit of 25-30 KB/sec and a setup charge of $99. and also a download limit of 2GB a month which is a real drawback if you like to test new distributions like myself. I do not think that their offer is attractive, am I wrong? Anyways..., being new in the US I need recommendations on which way to go for high speed internet access. I hope there are some people on this list living in Shrewsbury and do have high speed internet access despite Verizon Company. :) Thank you very much, baris