Hello, I have put a few different distro's on a PII 233/64, and can easily see how this can supplant whatever Microsoft OS I have on my main machine. In fact- I would like to install Mandrake or Redhat on my 1.2 gig tbird, as everything I need is there. EXCEPT 1 THING!!! I have tried to connect for the last month on a dialup account using KPPP- or whatever other config utility I could find, but ALWAYS timeout after connect. I have visited many sites that go over KPPP, and I do know what DNS #'s are, and most of the options are. I always have manually configured my accounts in Windows whatever. I dialout, I connect, I see the connect speed, but it seems when PPPD starting- it times out. I am using PAP, as I should. Does anyone here connect through dialup using Net1plus? I live in Fitchburg. Net1Plus has been NO help whatsoever. All they are allowed to do is give me DNS numbers, and POP configs- but I already know that stuff. Thanks, Chris