--- Chuck Noyes <vze284qe@verizon.net> wrote:
I assume that the sources.list file is processed top to bottom by apt.
Sorta. Apt always pulls in the version of the package with the highest release number. If that version is available from more than one repository, apt downloads from the one listed first. So you should sort the list by download time, fastest to slowest. My sources.list looks something like this: deb http://debian.example.org/debian testing main deb http://debian.example.org/debian testing/updates main deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main deb http://security.debian.org/debian testing/updates main This ensures that if an updated package is already available from my local mirror I get a fast download from there. But if it hasn't yet arrived, I still get it by a slower download from the main server. --Andre ____________________________________________________________________________________ Cheap talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. http://voice.yahoo.com