From: Andy Stewart <andystewart@comcast.net>
I think I somehow built the computer from Hell. Recall my dual Opteron box with SuSE 9.2 and 1 GB of memory.
Not specifically, but each of us has a computer that sometimes stops dead for no reason. I have always assumed that mine was due to some hardware that runs on the edge. Once or twice a crash seemed to happen exactly when I bumped the case. I moved it from my desk and set it on a shelf where it was never touched (well, hardly ever). It has been running as a firewall 24 hours per day for about a year with random crashes less common than power outages and thunderstorms. In the past few days it has crashed dozens of times, and sometimes takes two or three tries to re-boot. Maybe it doesn't like water dripping from the walls and soaking wet carpets. I just bought a bunch of parts and will attempt to build a computer not from Hell.
I am suspicious of the 2.6 kernel. We run dual Opteron servers at work with the 2.4 kernel series with no problems at all (on RedHat 7.3). I am wondering what would happen if I took SuSE 9.2 and replaced the 2.6 kernel with a 2.4 kernel. Am I asking for a heap of trouble?
Oh! What hours of fun you are about to enjoy!
What specific issues would I encounter?
Duh...Incompatible C libraries?
I'm guessing that the kernel modules would be all fubar since I thought taht 2.4 and 2.6 did that quite differently. Perhaps I could bypass that with a monolithic kernel. I'm not sure what other problems I'd make for myself if I did this.
The modules come with the kernel, do they not? Do you have 'third party' modules? It should be no problem having two sets of modules installed, as long as the kernel version numbers are different, since each kernel looks for its modules in a directory with its own name on it. But the new kernel must have new powers. Does SuSE depend on the new stuff? -- Keith