Stephen Daukas wrote:
Good morning!
I didn't know if there is a "well known" SQL way of doing this (e.g., data manipulation statements of some sort), so I thought I'd see if any WLUGgers are also SQL-types. I have a few ideas for how to get this done, but they are "programmer-centric" algorithms, which tend to be different from "SQL-centric" algorithms...
Not likely although one responder offered an idea. It seems to me you will have to do some text processing to bring the data into the alignment you want. Either this or force the application generating the data to maintain your structure (not a good choice). My preference to your type of issue has been to use awk (or possibly flex in combination with bison but this might be overkill). There are certainly tons of other tools available. You will be forced into the wonderful world of unix. /m