All meetings for 2014 are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month. So the next one is Feb 13. The location just for this month is different due to a scheduling conflict. This month, the meeting will be held in: Harrington Auditorium, Forkey Conference Room 209 To find this room, go to the northwest end of the Quad, where the new Recreation Center meets Harrington Auditorium. There is an exterior door on the far left front corner of Harrington (not the main doors in the center of the front), just to the right of the stairway that leads down to the new Park Ave Garage. Go in that door, and straight ahead down the hallway leads to the Forkey Conference Room. In fact, you can probably safely park in the visitor's parking spaces around the edge of the Park Ave Garage, and walk up the stairway between Rec Center and Harrington to the Quad level, and the correct door will be around the corner on your left. I would like to see someone talk about Software Defined Radio if there is someone willing... Home backup solutions is always a good topic... On Fri, Feb 07, 2014 at 02:38:40PM -0500, Tim Keller wrote:
Hey Gang,
Is the next meeting going to be the 12th or the 13th? Any ideas for topics? Here's a couple that come to mind...
1. An overview of home backup solutions. 2. Software defined radios in linux (gnu radio) 3. ... 4. Profit?
Thanks, Tim.