There should be settings in your bios main screen for 'Load setup defaults' or 'Load Failsafe defaults'  The setup defaults are pretty conservative, but the failsafe is barebones

On 10/29/05, Keith Wright < > wrote:
> From: "John Stoffel" <>
> Bummers, I've been thinking about going the opteron route as well with
> a dual box like this.  Thoughts off the top of my head:
> 1. Is the BIOS updated?
> 2. Can you tune/tweak the BIOS settings to more conservative values?

I like that idea, where can I learn about BIOS tweaking and
what values are conservative?  Can I read about overclocking
and just do the opposite?  I guess I am getting old; I would
gladly wait five percent longer if it meant I could be
certain it would work, and I feel no need to brag about the
size of my MHz.

     -- Keith
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