Doug> Laptop hard drive or full-sized? The lab I work in has a couple Doug> of these portable Firewire/USB 2.0 enclosures: Since I had a full size (3.5") 120gb hard disk, that's what I got for a case. Doug> http://www.cooldrives.com/25firmobexen.html Doug> It needs external power (there's a picture of the adapter on the Doug> page) only for plugging into the mini-Firewire connections Doug> (i.e. most laptop firewire connections), but works fine with a Doug> full-sized firewire, or USB without external power. It's just Doug> large enough for a laptop drive, so very portable (we fit the Doug> whole kit including all the extra connectors into one of those Doug> 25-CD nylon cases). I on purpose got a case with a fan and a builtin power supply, along with both USB 2.0 and Firewire interfaces. We'll see how well it works out in practice later this week sometime. I could have gotten a smaller case, but I really don't like having to lug around the wall wart as well. And this way, it's all in one package, and I can find standard power cords *anywhere* I got pretty much. More details once I've played with the unit a bit. John John Stoffel - Senior Unix Systems Administrator - Lucent Technologies stoffel@lucent.com - http://www.lucent.com - 978-952-7548