Thanks a bunch. 

I had found this out 5 minutes after my first email, but your examples will come in handy i'm sure!

Now i just need to start building my own backup FileSet's etc.

One question, however...

i have a 35/70Gb DLT drive with IV tapes, but I am only getting less than 30 gigs' per tape.

my bacula-sd.conf lists " Media Type = DLT"....if this is not accurate, could bacula think I have only a 15/30Gb drive?  Should it read DTL7000 or something?

Also, does bacula compress naturally or do i have to tell it too?

thanks again

John Stoffel <> wrote:

Mike> Someone at the cook-out mentioned they were using bacula for
Mike> backups. I have just installed it and I have a DLT tape drive.

Same here, I've got Bacula running right now at home to a DLT7k

Mike> I have it confugered OK and i can connect to my fd (client) and
Mike> my sd (storage device).

Mike> To keep things simple, lets say that I am doing everything on
Mike> one server.


Mike> I can label the tapes and even backup to my "File" device.

Mike> My question is, what/where do I build a list of jobs to run?

This is one of the weaknesses of Bacula in my mind. You need to setup
a JobDefs { ... } section in your /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf file.

Mike> Lets say I want a "Full" backup of the system, and a seperate
Mike> backup of just /home.

Mike> Where do these jobs get defined, etc etc etc. This seems to be
Mike> the only piece I am missing in the doc's.

The docs are actually pretty good, it just sometimes takes a bit of
re-reading to make it work.

For example, here's what I have for one client.

JobDefs {
Name = "jack to tape"
Type = Backup
Level = Differential
Client = jack-fd
FileSet = "jack Full Set"
Schedule = "MonthlyCycle"
Storage = jfsnew-DLT
Messages = Standard
Pool = Backups
Priority = 10

Notice the Schedule and FileSet lines. Those are OTHER sections in
the same file which define which schedule to use, and which filesets
to run.

Then you need to define a Job {...} section too:

Job {
Name = "jack-fd"
JobDefs = "jack to tape"
Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/jack.bsr"

So here's most of what I've got defined for this one client. It's a
pain, and I wish he would just dump this into the DB so it's easier to
manage. Or maybe having a tool to write these files would be useful.

FileSet {
Name = "jack Full Set"
#noatime = yes
Ignore FileSet Changes = yes
Include {
Options {
wilddir = \.thumbnails
exclude = yes
File = @/etc/bacula/FileSet-jack
Exclude {
File = /sys
File = /proc
File = /tmp
File = ".journal"
File = ".fsck"
File = "/var/lib/mysql"
File = ".thumbnails"

Schedule {
Name = "MonthlyCycle"
Run = Level=Full 1st sun at 1:05
Run = Level=Differential 2nd-5th sun at 1:05
Run = Level=Incremental mon-sat at 1:05

Client {
Name = jack-fd
Address = jack
FDPort = 9102
Catalog = MyCatalog
Password = "" # password for FileDaemon
File Retention = 60 days # 30 days
Job Retention = 12 months # six months
AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files

Let me know if this helps or not.

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