No, the install isn't the easiest thing to someone not familar with it, but the Gentoo documentation is quite good. The basic install (known as a stage 1 install) alone can take a fair amount of time since everything has to be compiled. However, you can save time by using what's called a stage 2 install where some of the basic install is precompiled. A stage 3 install is where the entire basic install is already compiled. We would not be able to complete a stage 1 or stage 2 install during a typical WLUG meeting and it is the kind of thing to let run overnight. If you are a laptop user you can download all the neccessary source files in advance and leave the meeting with the laptop still compiling. Otherwise, a constant, and preferably fast, network connection is required. On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 Mike Leo <mleo963@yahoo.com> wrote:
I have heard way to much about Gentoo to not try it out, but have also heard the install is not so easy.
Someone has mentioned it before, but how about an install fest so others can get hands on with different distro installs?
just one man's opinion....