Hello, my name is Mark McLaughlin, I started a computer club in Hudson which extends to Marlboro. I hooked up with you because I am very interested in KDE 4 and want to learn more about how to make linux work for me since I am a writer/enthusiast not a programmer. I am getting better at GIMP and re-learning my MS Office skills with OpenOffice, but, I like to learn inkscape, scribus, do more with KompoZer, and do some multimedia as well I could use advice on how to make my computer club function well and if my club and yours could mingle a bit here and there on occasion when Fedora 9 and KDE 4.1 finally is available. I love Fedora, I feel it could catch up to Ubuntu and maybe surpass it with some new features. IMHO, Windoze XP will be the last good Windoze OS for sure, Windoze 7 has to be able to function like linux in order to survive... Mark McLaughlin hudsoncomputercrew.wordpress.com Hudson, MA