On Tuesday 30 August 2005 05:04 pm, John Stoffel wrote:
Mike> i want to say a highpoint card ... like HPT3xx
I've been using my HPT302 without any problems for quite a while now. But I'm not letting it go right now... at least not until I get a SATA 3ware controller at some point. :]
yeah, the nice thing about IDE raids is that they're dirt cheap to setup for a ton of storage ... the problem with IDE raids is that they're dirt cheap hardware :) my new A8N-SLI mobo is nice in that it has onboard SATA raid ... maybe once i get some $$$ saved up i can blow it on some more SATA raptors ... probably not though, those WPI loans suck anyone have experience with SATA drives and have any recommendations ? ive only heard good things about the WD raptors and i must say, the one i have for my system drive is awesome -mike