John Stoffel via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
It was a really fun meeting, bummer we didn't have the CAD discussion, but happy about the storage discussion.
After I got into a gun fight with the police it was difficult to pay attention. They kept talking about tera-bytes, but I am still a bit future-shocked from when my ex-new-boss told me that the programs I would be paid to write had to work with a giga-byte of important data...and when I actually bought a mega-byte for my own home. Real programmers code for 64K.
Subject: [WLUG] Becoming a brick-and-mortar Linux vendor From: Joshua Stone via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org>
I've been wondering about with Linux as a desktop platform if one were to run a business around selling machines that're built with it in mind.
I had a similar idea about 20 years ago. I rented a store-front in south-east Worcester and did it for a few years. I didn't make much money, but I didn't lose much either. The remaining fragments of that business exist as a web page: http://www.free-comp-shop.com/ I used to have a book about starting a business in Massachusetts, maybe I can find it. It's probably far out of date. You need to know the laws about collecting sales tax and reporting and remitting to the state. -- Keith Wright, Programmer in Chief, Free Computer Shop