Well, just to give some feedback here, we got Charter Phone and Digital TV installed here today. Didn't touch our Internet setup at all, I was connected to home all during the install. Phone is fine so far, seems better than Verizon in my street, so that's good. The big gotcha is the move from Analog to Digital cable. Before we had a splitter in the analog cable, with one feed going to the TV directly, the other going to the TiVo. This way we could watch live TV (commercials and all!) when the TiVo was recording something we wanted, but didn't want to watch at the moment. Now that we have digital cable, I don't think I'm going to be able to do this anymore. Dammit. This is an oversight/gotcha that I didn't realize. I'll see how much extra it will cost to get another digital set top box, which I'll dedicate to my TiVo's use I think. :] I dunno... maybe there's a way to do this. Anyone know for sure if the Scientific Atlanta set top box has analog output of *all* channels, so I can just tune up and down using the TV tunner? Even if I don't get over channel 99 on there, I'd be ok with that. I suspect (strongly) that it doesn't work that way and that I'm screwed, sorta. Not terrible actually, but annoying. John