Jared> A word to the wise, make sure that they actually can port your Jared> number before you switch. I moved into a new place in Uxbridge Jared> a couple years ago. So new that they didn't even have the Jared> cable company's lines - so I just got a package through Verizon Jared> that included DirecTV and DSL. The number ported over just fine. I called on the old in the morning, and called again in the afternoon on the new. Painless. Now we'll see what Verizon says in my final bill. :] [ editout horror story... ] Jared> In the end, I was able to get my original Verizon number back Jared> and get my DSL and DirecTV turned on again, but it was the most Jared> painful experience that I have gone through in quite a while. Jared> I actually still have Charter, but just for the local cable Jared> access package ($13/mo) so that I can watch the selectman's Jared> meetings and stuff like that. Thanks for sharing! I do appreciate it. So far, it just works. And the new connection seems louder to my wife too, so it's a plus. No complaints so far. John