Aaron> Markus McLaughlin wrote, on Jan 28, 2009 at 13:52 EST:
Ubuntu is cool but it's not American based like Fedora is.
Aaron> Just a comment on this, point. Aaron> Redhat is American-based. Aaron> Fedora is an international community. Aaron> Canonical is England-based. Aaron> Ubuntu is an international community. Yeah, I wanted to chime in on this as well, since Linux was started by someone from Finland (who might be a US citizen now...) so it's not really american made at all. Sorry to jump on you like this, I just think it's a specious arguement to use when picking one distro over another. Now, if you want to compare the speed of yum vs apt, then we've got a discussion. Anyway, I'm a happy Debian/Ubuntu (bleeding edge on both) user. I'm a professional SysAdmin as well, so I use RHEL, Solaris in my work life, along with some CentOS. I hate yum... :] Markus, hopefully we'll see you at the next meeting, and the one in March when I hope to present a little talk on programing the Arduino controller (http://www.arduino.cc) in the Ubuntu/Linux command line. It's quite fun! John