From: Doctor Orbitz <orbitz@alienphobia.com>
Has anyone here setup a Lexmark z52 printer in linux?
Not me. In fact I know nothing about it. But in the true Linux/internet spirit, I will write a page or two of free advice anyway.
I am having alot of trouble. I set it up according to how I think the documentation tells me
Give us a couple hints. What document did you read and what (in outline) did it tell you to do? How much of it worked?
to but my printer just gets a post script file, which it obviously doesn't understand.
That may be caused by sending it a postscript file. Have you tried sending an Ascii file? If you want to send it postscript you need to set up a filter to translate to Lexmarkian. Ghostview may be such a filter (it wants to be, but I don't know if it supports the Lexmark).
Tech support refuses to help me saying that because I am using Slackware it isn't supported.
Is that Lexmark tech support, or what? I'm surprised they know enough about what you are asking to be able to be so specific about what they don't understand. It's probably not an obsinate refusal to help but genuine lack of clue. (Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity.)
But Linux is Linux right?
No. In addition to versions for Intel, ARM, Sparc, and Alpha, there are Beowulf (multi-processor clusters), uClinux (for embeded micro-processors without MMU), various build options for experimental hardware or special purpose file systems, RAID devices, military grade security, or kernal debugging. But none of that is relevant to your problem, because the Linux kernel has nothing to do with getting your data into a form your printer can understand. My guess is you would be having the same problem if it were HP-UX or BSD Unix. -- -- Keith Wright <kwright@free-comp-shop.com> Programmer in Chief, Free Computer Shop <http://www.free-comp-shop.com> --- Food, Shelter, Source code. ---